Pirates Cove Poker Run
Welcome to The Lafitte’s and Pirates’ Cove POKER FUN RAISER RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Registration will be from 10:00 AM-Noon on Saturday May 14, 2016 at the Galveston Country Club (GCC). Any unclaimed registrants will be forfeited or resold the day of the event. All players must be 18 years of age to participate. In January 2018, friends and family joined Pirate Cove Resort for our 2nd Annual Poker Run. Over 250 vehicles participated in the Poker Run, with more visito. Pirate Cove Resort Poker Run 2018 - Duration: 4:41. Pirate Cove Resort 734 views. 2016 RZRback Off Road Spring Charity Poker Run - Duration: 16:47. MidSouthUTV 3,017 views.
2020 First Responder Exclusive Discounted rates for First Responders! LEARN MORE Pick Your Stay Not a timeshare, No membership fees, Always open to the public First class beachfront & marina view cabins featuring. Box 160, Tomball, Texas (O) 281-255-3055 (F) 281-255-3056 ckm1@ckm1.com acc@ckm1.com Pirates' Property Owners' Association.

We have reached our 250 cap and filled the wait-list for the opportunity to join if there are cancellations before the event. Those of you who have gotten confirmation that you are on the waiting list will be getting follow up from us as (if) space becomes available. Thank you all for your interest and support! We are very excited about this event!!

Poker Run Rules
Pirate Cove Resort is having an Off Road Poker Run January 21, 2017! (pending permit)
Pirates Cove Poker Run 2020
Be sure to bring the completed paperwork with you the morning of the event. All paperwork and fees will be collected when you check in for your stay at our resort or the morning of the event.
Pirates Cove Poker Run 2020 Schedule
Only licensed drivers are permitted to drive any vehicles on Pirate Cove Resort property including during this Poker Run event. Our restaurant/bar and general store will be open early for your convenience.